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Speed Build of Adeptus Titanicus Titan Battlegroup Box

Speed Build of Adeptus Titanicus Titan Battlegroup Box

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Warlord Titan legs: Do's and Don'ts...

Tutoring 2
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Constructing the legs of the Warlord Titan is apparently a bit of an issue. I have seen many a photo of Warlords with their legs on backwards or bent at the wrong angle.

Right thigh, right side. The knee has a small flat bulge on the front/top. This is where the thigh guard and knee plate goes.Right thigh, right side. The knee has a small flat bulge on the front/top. This is where the thigh guard and knee plate goes.
Lower leg and knee. The small protrusion just below the knee cog is where the final part of the shin armour plates goes. That is the front of the leg.Lower leg and knee. The small protrusion just below the knee cog is where the final part of the shin armour plates goes. That is the front of the leg.
Completed leg. You can push the lower leg into the thigh. DO NOT ADD GLUE TO IT YET!!!!Completed leg. You can push the lower leg into the thigh. DO NOT ADD GLUE TO IT YET!!!!

Once you have both legs put together with the knee joints unglued then you can begin to pose it.

I will talk about how to do this in the next post.



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