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A Star Wars: Legion Christmas Special

A Star Wars: Legion Christmas Special

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Addendum Emergencies!!!!

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

A couple of things have definitely thrown a monkey wrench into the timing of posting this project after finishing it out. First off was seeing a joke project I was working on pop onto the screen when Lance was amusing Big Ben from 4Ground and getting absolutely no critique done that I had labelled as private. He stopped one line short of this project and pulled onto Amachan’s Pink Tank for review which brought me just shy of cardiac arrest.

The second it seems is that there’s a tradition of opening gifts the day BEFORE Christmas in Germany that sundancer was kind enough to announce in the Weekender thread. I have a few choice words about this as the whole thing is being kicked off early but still “on time”. I’m GMT -8 so here goes everything! I’m unleashing it all!!!

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horati0nosebl0wertankkommanderrayzryrsundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

To be honest, I saw your project just after you fired it to live so I caught a glimpse but still I’m very happy about the outcome of some fun banter. great work. It’ll get a special place among the Star Wars collection.


@horati0nosebl0wer hell yeah man! Nice job! This was inspired ?
Thumbs up for @evilstu for backing this crazy idea!

@sundancer this is awesome, be sure and post some photos with the rest of your Legion force ?


Amazing! You deserve a prize for this epic conversion.

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