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Adeptus Titanicus Warhounds - Legio Audax

Adeptus Titanicus Warhounds - Legio Audax

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Getting some leg

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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Getting some leg

To keep consistent with my other Legio Audax Titans I continued with my hazard striping scheme.

You can do this one of two ways. Do the black, then come back for the yellow, or go yellow and come back with black again. I opted for the second option, as it gave me a much smoother area for the yellow. Yellow can be a fickle beast.

Simply done over the black primer, I lay an initial coat of Yellow Ochre and let that dry hard overnight. Yellow is a very transparent colour and doesn’t cover black well. Yellow Ochre has a brown tone that actually covers quite well.

After drying over night I spray a Yellow fadefade  highlight with Moon Yellow, all Vallejo paints. I let that sit and cure overnight, so masking won’t damage the yellow fades.

Black is then achieved, after masking stripes with Tamiya Masking Tape, with a base of black, then I start fades with Secret Weapon Black Tire, Rubber and a final highlight of Rubber Highlight paint.

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