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You SHALL Go To The Ball

You SHALL Go To The Ball

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A winter wonderland

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 4
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With the two love birds finished it’s time to make somewhere for them to dance, and this is where I start to deviate from the Cinderella story.  Rather than building a dance floor, which would probably look a little bland, I’m having these two dancing on a frozen pond.

To build this, I purchased a glass globe from my local craft store.  It’s part of the home made Christmas decorations range.  Then I filled the base with water effect and then added a small amount of Coelia Green Shade from Citadel colour.  This takes around 24 hours to dry and I stupidly forgot to take a progress picture of it.  Anyway it dries with a transparent, glossy finish and in this case has a lovely, dark turquoise colour.

After that I built a small ledge around one edge out of green stuff, sculpting some large paving stones into the edge.  I chose not to texture the rest of the surface as it was going to be covered in snow.

The stone work was painted mechanicus standard grey and then washed with aggrax earth and nuln oil, with a few dabs of athonian camo shade in the recesses between the paving stones.  The blocks were then lightly drybrushed up in a number of layers.  The first drybrush was storm vermin fur and then the skavenblight dinge.

After this, I put a layer of gloss varnish on the water and gave it a heavy sprinkling of snow flock from basecraft.  The gloss varnish Changed the tone of the flock to an almost transparent colour which gave a really nice icy finish

To add something interesting to the background I added a nice set of lanterns which I believe are from Wyrd Games.  This was painted Warplock Bronze, washed with Nilakh Oxide and then drybrushed first with a Warplock bronze/black mix and then with Warplock bronze.

I had to leave it there because it was getting late.

A winter wonderland

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