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100th Drookian Fenriders - A Cavalry Company

100th Drookian Fenriders - A Cavalry Company

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Update - 26/11/18

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 8

Or How I got distracted

As of my last update, my plan was to continue the long arduous process of greenstuffing, filling gaps, filing, and mold line removal. While breaking up the monotonousness of that by working on my conversions.

Unfortunately the parts required for those conversions only arrived on Saturday afternoon (24/11/18).

Eventually I couldn’t take it any more and decided to build some infantry


This simple unit shows what can be achieved when not only do you supplement a kit with a 3rd parties parts but also when you combine multiple sources to create something truly unique

Heads – Puppetswar

You have already seen these heads on my cavalry. Puppetswar cast great quality pieces and I would happily recommend them to anyone. They are currently renewing some of their lines, and the line I invested in is going/gone. (Good thing I own 200 of those heads + my altered versions). The replacements can be found here.

Arms – Mad Robot Miniatures

I ran into some difficulty in getting these pieces that I didn’t foresee. They do not send worldwide so my parts had to be shipped via somewhere else. The quality of the casts are fantastic. How they are attached to some of the sprues could cause problems for inexperienced hobbyists. The rolled sleeve arms can be found here.

Legs – Victoria Miniatures

Victoria Miniatures could be argued to be the most well known 3rd party part supplier. I would like the quality to be slightly higher but the quality is certainly not bad. Their customer service is also very good. The Kilted Legs can be found here.

Torso – Mine

These Torsos are what I used on my Fen Riders. It started life as a Cadian Torso before webbing was sculpted on, and the Victoria Miniature Gas Mask blended into it.

Weapons – Forgeworld

I went through many options until I settled on what pattern lasgun to use. Catachan versions were too “heroic scale” for the rest of the miniature. Third party options didn’t fitthe feel so I eventually settled on the Forgeworld Death korps version, which can be found here (I will use their pattern weapons except for the grenade launcher).


Command Squad WIP

With the parts that have arrived, I have quickly started converting a few members of my company command. Below arepictures of the Officer and the Commissar. The Commissar will most certainly be receiving a cape, as well as a lot more greenstuff.

What are your thoughts?

Update - 26/11/18

I am debating as to whether the Commissar deserves a rebreather, and as I have recently been leaning in one direction, I thought I would put it out for a public opinion poll

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Ethan Katzberg, Gold medalist, 2024 Paris Olympicsminigiantcivilcourage Recent comment authors
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1 vote for the rebreather, i think it fits more with the other troops.
Plus i am fikkin amazed at how dedicated you are to making a unit you like, 4 or 5 different suppliers for one unit is crazy! I tip my cap to your dedication and effort.

Cult of Games Member

It makes me sad that Forgeworld is no more! I have fond memories of yes, it was expensive, but for that unique army – nothing finer. I remember going to the LA GW Battle Bunker near Anaheim, and buying a HORDE of Forgeworld. They had everything in stock; I bet that store is long gone now. Different times …

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