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Painting Boba Fett - Star Wars Legion

Painting Boba Fett - Star Wars Legion

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Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 7
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Once all the paint had dried the entire model was given a coat of Vallejo Mat Varnish. This was applied with a large brush and worked well in to every area of the model. It pretty much looks as though you’ve dipped your miniature in milk by the time you’ve applied it. However once it’s dry it leaves a clean mat finish and will protect against the inevitable fingering that goes on during game play.

Mission Accomplished

Once the varnish was completely dry I used GW Nuln Oil Gloss to add a slight sheen to the visor. 

Mission Accomplished

My philosophy for basing is the rule of three. Three elements, textures or colours makes for an interesting base and helps to set the model off. 

I already had the red rocks and Sandy texture from the Agrellan Earth so the final touch was to add a few grassy tufts to the base. These are great as they are pre coloured and self adhesive so they take only seconds to apply. I used a large set of tweezers to position a couple of the smaller tufts and pressed them into place with the tweezer tips or the end of a brush. These ones were Middenland Tufts from GW but many other brands are available. 

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