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Heroquest Restoration

Heroquest Restoration

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First Steps

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 4

The first step for the project is to decide, am I doing this to sell, or keep?  I decided I am going to keep this game.  It is mostly beat up, and will probably not get that much gaming time, but I’ve kept it this long, I might as well keep it longer.

Now that I’ve decided the games ultimate future, the next step is to review everything that I have and see what I’m missing and what’s broken.

I have the original game system, the Kellar’s Keep quest, Return of the Witch Lord quest, Mage of the mirror elf quest, and the Frozen Horror barbarian quest.

With all of that, I’m only missing the Chaos Sorcerer mini, which I find amazing for as long as I’ve had the game.

There were several broken pieces, but some quick work with the plastic glue put them back in shape.

The only pieces that are broken beyond repair, is one goblin, one Orc, and ironically both the male and female barbarians.

First Steps

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wizardv12222Tony Recent comment authors
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Great idea, I have the game with a few components missing.

I also backed the Rampage Dungeon Kickstarter so some of the stuff could also be used with that.

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