Darkstar Campaign Chart - Advantages and Awards Chart
So here is the chart that lists the things that players can buy with campaign points, basically “xp” you get for fighting or winning battles.
Typically you get 1 point for being in a battle.
That is increased for 2 points if you come out on the winning side.
Sometimes players will agree that one ship per game gets some insane award for great rolls, bravery, kickass events, etc. Then you’d get 3.
For every 6 points accrued, you get to select one thing off this list.
Almost universally, the first thing selected is “Commander’s Luck.” This is the advantage that usually lets commanders survive long enough to get other advantages. ECM / Shielding is another popular choice. Save your own ass before you start plotting the ruin of others.
Like any game I design (or enjoy) … Darkstar is an unforgiving mistress. You can lose your ass very quickly in this game. So it pays to have a little bit of “grace” when it comes to those all-important post-game survival checks (is your crippled ship recovered, scuttled, captured, or lost forever in the icy tomb of space)?
Commander’s Luck does indeed seem to be the one to get
Yeah, and it adds zero to your ship’s scenario points cost. 😀 So the basic rule is this … if the campaign advantage gives ANYTHING to you on the actual tactical game board … it costs 20% of your ship starting cost. That a lot. So a heavy cruiser that starts at 100 now costs 120. A destroyer that costs 40 now costs 48, etc. Commander’s Luck CANNOT be used on the table at all, not to save you from being crippled, save you from having to break off, or even save you from exploding, because that all happens on… Read more »
Those are some nice Advantages to mull over.
But I do agree, ‘Commander’s Luck’ will probably be a top choice stating out.
It’s like when the genie grants you three wishes, the first you always pick is for more wishes! 😀