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Civil War Campaign: Union

Civil War Campaign: Union

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Recovering from the Setback

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 5

One of our forces has suffered a minor setback but this is far from over.

Marshall’s men fell back into the town and began constructing defences hoping to deter rather than defeat the Confederates.

On the other Flank Lewis pulls back into a small farm where he prepares his men to receive the Confederate attack.

As he arrived at the farm dark clouds came over the horizon and all through the night the downpour continued.

As the first Confederates came into view the rain hadn’t slowed at all and both sides knew this battle would come down to cold steel rather than hot lead.

Marshall on the LeftMarshall on the Left
Marshall on the LeftMarshall on the Left

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Cult of Games Member

Damn, I need to start paying more attention to the Projects. How is this the first time I’m, just seeing these larger scale, command-tactical maps? I notice more hexes are being displayed as the campaign progresses, are these new hexes that are being scouted / added to the commanders’ knowledge of the ground?

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