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British Airborne - Bolt Action (can I finish a project?)

British Airborne - Bolt Action (can I finish a project?)

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Things are happening.

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 8

It’s a slow start but at least I have something to show (don’t get too excited).


It's not much, but I've got these three built in the time I've had. Sadly not primed yet due to lack of daylight.It's not much, but I've got these three built in the time I've had. Sadly not primed yet due to lack of daylight.

First up the the little Tetrarch, not the most effective tank ever built, but they did get it to fit inside a Hamilcar glider and it had the pleasure of being a fraction bigger than the US Locust.

Things are happening.

Next up is the Jeep, it was a fiddly little beggar to build and bare metal looks awful but I’m hopeful of a decent result when it’s finished. Still undecided on whether to use the trailer, but I’ll probably paint it up anyway.

Things are happening.

Last but not least is the lovely Firefly, a few fiddly bits my stupid sausage fingers struggled with but otherwise pretty straight forward. Messed up drilling the barrel a little, but that should tidy up or hide during painting.

Things are happening.

Next update I’ll get a unit of troopers built up and at least primed, outside conditions permitting and I should have some tactical markings decided on to share. I’ve discovered some interesting things regarding battledress and I’ll go over this when the time is right.  Cheers all.

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Gerbillus NucleioriskanyKarl Robson Recent comment authors
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Really looking forward to seeing how this project progresses. Similar to you, I have been on a bit of a Pegasus Bridge fact finding mission (not previously knowing anything about it), so was thinking about doing a British airborne force.

Cult of Games Member

Great project, @flatbattery – Ah, the Tetrarch. What a curious little tank. Used exactly twice, once here at Pegasus Bridge, and before that at Operation Ironclad, the invasion of Vichy Madagascar of all places. What a contrast, putting this little thing up beside a Firefly! 😀 😀 😀

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