Identifying, Updating, and Painting a Bucket of 90's Era 40K Orks with Lawnor
Final Gallery
I’ve finally finished painting all the Orks. It took 3 months between priming and photographing the end results. That’s longer than I expected. Here’s some pictures of the end results all gathered in to one place. Some of the Orks in battle with a dinosaur (Jurassic Ork?) because I live with a toddler and it was in my way, and some solo shots.
I’ve added some panorama shots at the bottom too. They’ll probably load small through this site, but if you open them in a new window they should load pretty large. They are made out of many photos, after all. Seems I don’t have the lighting or the steady hands to take these shots properly. I’ll have to experiment before doing this again.
Awesome Idea and thanks for sharing all these wonderful old minis with us and giving them a new lick of paint and love from Gork and Mork 🙂
Very jealous to say the least 😉 I have only a handful of these old gems and have never painted a 40K ork as yet. Your project really wants me to bust them out and have a go. I just need to get some arms for them as thats the the only thing I don’t have atm.
The old plastic arms were a PITA. They wanted to pass through the model in order to hold the guns properly. When shopping round for modern sculpts for arms, remember that the designs and scales have changed so they might not match up. You might want to ask the manufacturers about compatibility or do research online.