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A Star Wars: Legion Christmas Special

A Star Wars: Legion Christmas Special

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Dry fit and more mods

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The pack has a great section at the top that would make a splendid Christmas tree so it will be slapped with short lengths of 32 gauge wire glued into place. This is a process I am learning to have much patience with.

Tying the base in with the snow works but it seems bland… so I’ll improvise! Initially the idea was just a sack of goodies but there was still open space and it didn’t quite make visual sense. I knew that there was a manufacturer out there that had done resin wrapped gifts (Ristul’s Market?) but I wasn’t able to find any. Out came the scrap bits of plastic in the form of strip, rod and tubing. I have much respect for modellers who detail with etch brass after this because plastic just was a task to build with in the detail of the ribbons.

The first run at creating the sack was scrapped as the epoxy didn’t cure as quickly as normal due to the sheer amount. This turned into marred details whenever I slipped my fingers around the base. Off goes the epoxy glob and in comes a metal bead to act as a core form for molding around.

Looking good overall before settling technical issues

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