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Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

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Finally the Basilean Men-at-arms Part I

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 4

THE PLAN.  My  Vanguard Kickstarter Bundle came with 10 hard plastic Men-at-arms and 2 PVC Plastic Sergeants for said Men-at-arms giving me a grand total of 11 minis which can be used to form a regiment (I am not having two sergeants in one regiment….. It’s just not done).

Needless to say this is not enough so I ordered another Basilean Starter Box giving me another 5 Men-at-arms and another sergeant.

My main regiment will be armed with spears it will arranged  in a 3-4-3-4 arrangement and will require 13 Men-at-arms and one sergeant.

The two remainig Men-at-arms will be done as Crossbowmen for Vanguard games initially  but along with one sergeant will be the front rank of a future Crossbowmen troop (3-4)….Hopefully Kings of War Basilean Men-at-arms box gets released soon, so I can finish it.

The remaing sergeant will be done as a swordsman and will be sans troops initially …. maybe one day if  his do is derring……

The heads/arms/and weapons sprue of the Men-at arms kit. Three typesof weapon are there, Spear,sword and crossbow (bye-bye god-awful  metal plastic hybrid)The heads/arms/and weapons sprue of the Men-at arms kit. Three typesof weapon are there, Spear,sword and crossbow (bye-bye god-awful metal plastic hybrid)
The body and shield sprue..... you'll note that none of the bodies look like they are about to The body and shield sprue..... you'll note that none of the bodies look like they are about to "bust-a-move" or have been caught mid epileptic seizure . Huzzah
The new starter box that I ordered .. while waiting for my kickstarter so I could fulfill my dream regiment..... It came in the box .. honest dearest.  The Sergeant is the bloke in the middle threatening to kill the banner if the enemy takes another step closer .... He'll do it ... Honest ... Don't push him.The new starter box that I ordered .. while waiting for my kickstarter so I could fulfill my dream regiment..... It came in the box .. honest dearest. The Sergeant is the bloke in the middle threatening to kill the banner if the enemy takes another step closer .... He'll do it ... Honest ... Don't push him.

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beardragon14Gerry Recent comment authors
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love it, I’m still cleaning up and deciding what is going where on my own, I do like how there are multiple options so not every sgt needs to have the standard, in fact you can make 3 unique minis with the additional head and arms.

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