Amon Hen: Middle Earth SBG Terrain.
Got wood?
Noticed that I am running out of catchy Lotr title postings?
Well here is the painted Wooden Pyres.
I base coated both with a black paint. Then dry brushed a light gray over most of it at about a 45 degree angle. Then dry brushed few areas with an cream color.
Once those where dry, I did a thin layer of burnt number over it all. So the lighter colors underneath would sort of shine through.
After that dried I used a Army Painter Monster Brown and did a quick dry brush again. My next step was to use GW Agrax Earthshade to give it a real old and possibly oil soak wood look.
As you can see in these pictures the scale of them. The top step is just large enough to keep a figure in place. Unless its weight is not centered very well.
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