Odds, Sods n ......Stuffs. A Medley of Mayhem
54mm - We meet again
Been waaaaaaaaay toolong since I worked on any of the old 54mm Inquisitor models I’ve been collecting so thought it was about time I broke one out. This time I went with the Eldar Ranger. Gorgeous sculpt by Alex Hedstrom from way back in the day.
Made a wee start both on and off stream .
The Eldar Rangers follow the so called Path of the Outcast. They are scouts, infiltrators, assassins and so much more. For the paint scheme I wanted something worn, subtle with plenty of character reflecting the character of an outcast ranger. None of the garish bright splendid colours usually seen with the aspect warriors and warhosts of the Eldar but something more befitting a wanderer, an sole travellers who travels alone and blends in. Dull worn leathers and materials for the most part. I dont want him to look too sahbby and like he just crawled out of hive bottom but still – his attire must reflect his role and character.

His outer coat will be a rich but worn oiled beige leather BUT I decided to do it in a slightly unusual technique and order.
The coat was primed using an airbrush. First black (stynylez ofc) and then laterally primed over with grey. The using a brush and schminke titanium white I prehighlighted the lower parts of the coat and further defined the highlights and folds of the coat adn added some scratches and wear to the coat. This is all in preperation adn anticipation of how I will later paint the coat – with glazes; a mix of xv-88 (GW) and soft tone (AP).
I did the freehand edging and the world rune BEFORE actually painting the coat for a reason as I want the rune to be visible on the coat but not to stand out and look like it was painted/emblazoned on after. I want it to fade into the coat’s colours as if it was embossed or treated into the coat a long time ago and it has faded back. Again he is a ranger and such details such be in the background not screaming forth like what we usually expect from the warriors of the other aspect temples.
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