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My first project - Vikings

My first project - Vikings

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Halfway there - Hearthguard and chainmail!

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 2
Finished of my first set of Hearthguard.Finished of my first set of Hearthguard.
Tried something a bit different with the fur - a darker exterior and lighter on the inside. Tried something a bit different with the fur - a darker exterior and lighter on the inside.

For my chainmail I have a base of black. following by a layer of Vallejo steel then finally a dry brush of Army Painter plater metal. I am really happy with the outcome.

I am still missing some stones from the bases to give a little more interest but I intend to add these a little later.

Halfway there - Hearthguard and chainmail!

I am finding each mini is a new learning experience and I am really enjoying seeing the improvements.

I also tried to take a few chunks out of the shields. I think the minor scuffs work but the big chunks out isn’t great.

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GerryKarl Robson Recent comment authors
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they look great, you’re right though the massive chunk looks a bit over the top, the big nicks out of the top of the shield on the first one on the left does look fantastic though, I find a gouge with the end of a needle file works very well also

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