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Reaping Time

Reaping Time

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Mustering for the Tithe

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Idea 2
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I’ve been chipping away at my project and thought an update is way over due. My plan is to batch paint in groups, all together or indeed to paint single miniatures based on my mood. Its not really a methodical way of working but its simply just moving forward as time allows.


Mustering for the Tithe

The image above is the start of a 1st Company Terminator squad made from Aggressor armour. The Aggressors I had didn’t fit the aesthetic I wanted for my sharks and Terminators scale difference to Primaris does bother me some what, so I made the decision to work around with the bits I had.

It was simply a case of removing the arms, head and streamlining the power pack. I decided to go with non terminator helmets, firstly for simplicity and the fact that the Carcharodons need to recycle and use what is available to them. Re-supply is not a simple matter of contacting a forgeworld in the void and this is partly why I like the chapter as well as their history. Lots of old mark armour mixed with new, in unorthodox configurations.

This is how they are currently. I bought some vet lightning claws, heads and spare aggressor shoulders pads and stuck them on. At this stage I have primed with grey car primer. This is how they are currently. I bought some vet lightning claws, heads and spare aggressor shoulders pads and stuck them on. At this stage I have primed with grey car primer.
A very quick, cluttered photo of my first wave of Carcharodons. I won't be buying another model (apart from Tyberos) until I have completed these!! I will update the units individually as I press forward! A very quick, cluttered photo of my first wave of Carcharodons. I won't be buying another model (apart from Tyberos) until I have completed these!! I will update the units individually as I press forward!

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