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The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

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6 Nov 18: Back to it!

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 1

After a short break for Orktober, it is time to return.

All the minis listed as “to be stripped” have been done.

I spent some time last night working on some of the Elves that had been semi-painted or completed an eon ago.

6 Nov 18: Back to it!
6 Nov 18: Back to it!

Mixed with their respective groups:


Tonight I have created some more bases, trying something different. I use standard 30mm bases, topped with green stuff. I use Happy Seppuku press molds to create the texture. I thought that tonight’s efforts were only so-so, as I think I used too much water.

Since they’ve dried a little though, they seem to be coming up ok… well, wait and see I suppose!

6 Nov 18: Back to it!

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rayzryrcivilcourage Recent comment authors
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@rayzryr those are looking good, cant beat a monopose high elf! I like the red with the white lining you have done on the archers, may have to steal that idea for the ones i have on the go.

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