Amon Hen: Middle Earth SBG Terrain.
2nd Breakfast
First step for Amon Hen was getting the size about right for Middle Earth SBG.
So lets start with the top of the structure.
So I spent the majority of my Friday night. Just adding those bricks I created to some tiles I worked on earlier this week. Each one of those broken tiles are 25mm which is the same base size for a standard unit. The bricks are also 25mm long so they line up with the tiles. It is hard to see the details in the brick work with this picture. Plus the crown work at the top covers most of it.
Keep in mind I spent from 4pm till 9:30pm just getting this basic shape in place. It is a very slow process in which I used 7 different bricks. I did my best to remove repetitive patterns in the brick lay out. A simple fix was to just simply flip a brick to its other side. This then gives me 14 different bricks to use.
That crown peice I would sculpt out later. To conserve polys until most of the shape was laid out.
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