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Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

Vanguard/KoW: Modelling for both systems- A Beardragon14 debacle

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Dwarf Ironclads Part II "The Wretched Refuse"

Tutoring 2
Skill 5
Idea 5
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THE PROBLEM : So in early July, Ieun’s Ironclads have had a few skirmishes, are fully painted, and I look down at my hobby desk , still filled with other interesting projects (I am after all a Twice Illustrious Master of the Order of the Hobby Butterfly) and I see the unused portions of Dwarf Ironclad sprues. “Ah” , I think, ” That’s right I was going to have a go at making a regiment out of them.”

I also saw the Dwarf Throwing Mastiff on the sprue and have to come to a decision about how to use him. I don’t like having pets permantly attached to the regimental bases, so they can be removed once used. I also don’t like have them, flopping about loose as they are easy to lose.

THE SOLUTION: I make a single model , he slowly gets painted, repeat etc. They drop on and off my schedule and by the end of September I have the 2 remaining “vanilla” Ironclads painted.

I reach a decision on the Throwing Mastiff. Careful drooling over, er analysis of the upcoming Mantic Dwarf models shows a Dwarf hero called a “Master of the Hounds” I as yet have no idea what his KoW/V rules are going to be but just in case there are rules for a base of hounds later on, I put my Throwing Mastiff on his own 20mm base so I can drop him in and out of my regimental base and he can be a part of the Hound Master’s pack (if he has one).  It is Mid October, the little fella is assembled , painted and based in a little over an hour…. I was really worried about what to do with him.

Late last week, I got notice that my Vanguard Kickstarter was going to arrive on Tuesday, panic ensues. This is because part of The Order of the Hobby Butterfly Laws stipulate that while you can have multiple projects from multiple systems on the go at once you can’t have two projects from the same system on the go at once. (Obviously this is so one of the projects doesn’t feel neglected and thereby fail to perform when called upon in the heat of battle in the future. …… Yes, I am mad). I really want to get stuck into the Basilean Men-at-arms ( I have waited soooooooooooo long) I quickly assemble the Ironclad Musician and Standard Bearer and finish them Thursday just gone.

And here are the remaining Ironclad lads from my 2 Player Starter set. Musician is a little over exposed in the photo ... I could take another photo but I want to crack on and get this regiment finishedAnd here are the remaining Ironclad lads from my 2 Player Starter set. Musician is a little over exposed in the photo ... I could take another photo but I want to crack on and get this regiment finished

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