My first project - Vikings
Onto the Shield!
I tried the shield transfers (blue and white) and really wasn’t a fan of the effect. So I decided to paint them a uniform colour as they are all part of the same war band (the idea being, if/ when I do a further viking war band, they will be a different uniform pattern).
When I first put on the paint it was just too bright and didn’t look right so I have tried to dull it down with some washes.
Overall, I am not completely happy with the outcome but I am happy to use it as a learning experience.
They look well. I know LBMS say to use white as the background for the transfers but I find it too stark. I use an ivory colour like the fur highlight colour you are using it is close to ideal. Stops the white being over powering
Cheers! For me, it just looks like exactly what it is – a sticker on a shield. Think I prefer simple painted design.