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My first project - Vikings

My first project - Vikings

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Onto the Shield!

Tutoring 0
Skill 10
Idea 4
Onto the Shield!

I tried the shield transfers (blue and white) and really wasn’t a fan of the effect. So I  decided to paint them a uniform colour as they are all part of the same war band (the idea being, if/ when I do a further viking war band, they will be a different uniform pattern).

When I first put on the paint it was just too bright and didn’t look right so I have tried to dull it down with some washes.

Overall, I am not completely happy with the outcome but I am happy to use it as a learning experience.

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Karl RobsonGerry Recent comment authors
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They look well. I know LBMS say to use white as the background for the transfers but I find it too stark. I use an ivory colour like the fur highlight colour you are using it is close to ideal. Stops the white being over powering

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