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Luna Wolves Reborn a.k.a. Cawl's personal Guard - by Bothi

Luna Wolves Reborn a.k.a. Cawl's personal Guard - by Bothi

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Captain Garviel and Lieutenant Hastur

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 6
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The deed is done. I am finished with the Dark Imperium box. The last two minis left were the Captain in Gravis Armor and the Lieutenant with Assault Bolt Rifle. I painted them along with the Hellblasters most of the time, but finished the Hellblasters first, as these two characters have some more details. They are named Garviel and Hastur.

Captain Garviel and Lieutenant HasturCaptain Garviel and Lieutenant Hastur
Captain Garviel, frontCaptain Garviel, front
Last but not least, the Last but not least, the "Lloyd-Shot"

This finishes the Dark Imperium box set. But this doesn’t mean that I am finished with this army. I will built up over the next month to a 1750 points army. And maybe even some more after that. Next up will be an Apothecary and a Librarian. These are currently in the mail. Stay tuned 😀

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