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Space Hulk Tactics Hobby Challenge: One step beyond. (now inc. Space Hulk: The Movie....)

Space Hulk Tactics Hobby Challenge: One step beyond. (now inc. Space Hulk: The Movie....)

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My Space Hulk Background

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4
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So Space Hulk is a fairly important game for me – I’ve absolutely loved it since I first played it, and have introduced many other people to its strategic delights, and in turn miniature gaming.

A quick video follows, where I set out some of that background and also show some of the miniatures I painted with my first pass of the game – and something I’m keen to revisit with my improved painting skills

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drtortenkopf Recent comment authors
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I love the color scheme! You should just make up a chapter for them and have them be a Blood Angels successor.

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