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Not All is Dust - A Thousand Sons blog

Not All is Dust - A Thousand Sons blog

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More painting

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Idea 0

Finished the Wild Rider Ted layer on the remaining Rubricae and went over the lot with the Mephiston Red/WRR mix on the shoulder pads and the odd plate.


Started on some of the metallic parts using ScaleColor ‘Citrine Alchemy’.  Was a bit of a pain to use as like it was fairly runny even after vigorously shaking the bottle; could be because I bought it a year or two back and hadn’t opened it until now so it had settled.  Had to use a paper clip to stir the thicker paint on the bottom and dig some out.  Plan is to use silvers and brass on the other metallic parts before giving them and maybe the red with Gryphone Sepia.


After that I’ll be moving onto the armour trim which will be white-grey.

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lordofuzkulakDamon Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I’ve found a nail polish shaker helps a lot to revive paint that’s been on the shelf for a while, also adding an agitator; glass bead or stainless steel ball bearing helps as well.

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