Space Hulk, Blowing off the dust
No longer h..armless. Mostly
So I sat down with my young son and assembled the Geanstealers and it turns out there is price to pay for waiting 2 decades to finish this project. A pair of arms is missing.
So, first time for everything, I take a shot at making my own.
After stripping a bit of electrical wire I rough in a skeletal shape and cover with green stuff. The green stuff is difficult to work when tacky so I wait a little for it to firm up before finessing the shape and finishing the hand with a bit of tissue soaked in PVA and a few beads of super glue gel for the knuckles. A few hours later , once the green stuff has set hard I take to it with a rotary tool for final shaping.
Though I’m generally happy with the result I think next time I try something like this I might look for something a little more forgiving than green stuff.
Doing a full arm in green stuff seems daunting to say the least. I actually have that particular arm lying around in my bits box. It was a spare in my copy of space crusade which seems to have been using the same gene stealer sculpts. If you want I can mail it to you. Drop me a PM if you are interested.
But I see you have already primed them. And your arm looks pretty good too. I like the way you have posed it different to others.
If you’re wanting to fabricate bitz from Greenstuff, may I suggest the use of Instant-mold or Blu-Stuff.
Thanks for the tip. I’ve just ordered some blue stuff to help with some additions to my terminators