Lupa15's Space Hulk and Deathwing Project
Painting Blood Angel Red
As I stated in my previous entry, I basecoated the terminators with Citadel Spray Primer Chaos Black. Following that I painted three to four coats of Citadel Base Mephiston Red.
Here are the next steps:
- In the recesses paint Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade.
- Go back over the areas where the shade may have seeped outside of the recesses with Citadel Base Mephiston Red.
- Highlight the raised edges with a slightly chunky coat of Citadel Layer Evil Sunz Scarlet.
If you are just going for a nice tabletop quality I would recommend stopping after the third step. If you want to go further add an additional highlight of Citadel Layer Fire Dragon Bright.
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