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Wasteland Warfare

Wasteland Warfare

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Idea 4
I got 40 miniatures from the Botherhood of Steel stater set and free-be Modiphius gave out. It took me about 3 hour clean up and assemble with only some minor base warping to deal with.I got 40 miniatures from the Botherhood of Steel stater set and free-be Modiphius gave out. It took me about 3 hour clean up and assemble with only some minor base warping to deal with.
Red Rocket Scenic set with rubber mat. This went together easy enough. but i glue the main building to its base and i glued the detachable roof as one peace separate from the rocket awning.Red Rocket Scenic set with rubber mat. This went together easy enough. but i glue the main building to its base and i glued the detachable roof as one peace separate from the rocket awning.

I use masking tape on the bottom to hold the card stock together and use PVA glue them together, because the base sheet come perforated, i was scare it make come apart over time.

the cars i have seem a little to big LOL

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Cult of Games Member

Tip with Battle Systems terrain is if you have any bits that look like they might be prone to bending is to use a bottle of super glue (the one with the brush applicator) and apply the glue to the bare card “edges”. This then soaks in and forms a hard plastic finish that can help stop bending and fraying of the edges.

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