Spring Cleaning in the burrows
Village details:1
Similar to Justin, I love all the little bits of scatter that make a board a real place.
To that end, while my other projects were drying I grabbed a handful of mini lolly sticks, wooden discs, cardboard and some BBQ skewers and got cracking.
Step one. Build a platform using superglue. Lie the sticks flat to get them lined up and glue another across them around where the axle would be. Then trim some more sticks and cover the ends.
Some MDF off-cuts and press-outs form supports for the walls and the drivers seat.
Next, I scored some planks into two wood discs and glued them back to back to get the right thickness. I added smaller discs and a square bolt to the centre for the attachment lugs and wheel guards.
I glued another disk on the inside of each wheel so they wouldn’t sit flat against the wagon and glued them on.
Last off I added some detailing using cardboard to represent metal banding and supports. If i really feel like it i’ll add some nail heads or bolts to these but it’s optional.
I’m not sure about beasts of burden in Burrows and Badgers to I’ll add some twine bindings to the spars at the front to represent where animals can pull it as a team like a team rickshaw.
And that’s where I’m up to on that so far 🙂
Cheers, T.
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