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Warmaster Revolution (10mm Fantasy) - Ogres & Lizardmen

Warmaster Revolution (10mm Fantasy) - Ogres & Lizardmen

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Getting Started

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5

I’ve always wanted to play massed battle fantasy, but I think that 28mm is just too big for a 4′ x 6′ table.   In my opinion, this genre is best done in 10mm to really capture the epic sense of scale.  Since there are no local Warmaster Revolution players, I’ll be making two armies of over 2,000 points each.

Since Warmaster models are no longer available from GW, I’ll be using third-party models.  The Ogres are from Black Gate Miniatures.  The Lizardmen are from Eureka Miniatures, USA.  I’ll note any exceptions in the individual post.

Ogres will be painted first, and the prep work (sanding, removing mold lines, pinning & filling joins, mounting for painting, etc.) is already done. I’ve also completed all of the sanding & mold line removal on a very large Lizardmen army.  Now that the majority of the prep work is out of the way, the fun part can begin.

Ogres prepped and ready for primer.Ogres prepped and ready for primer.

Assuming it funds (which looks likely), I will also have a couple of units of Bull Ogres / Ironguts coming in from Andy Taylor’s Old School Styled Ogres Kickstarter.  I think they’ll bring a bit of variety to the troop units and give me some flexibility for larger games.

Getting Started

I already have a lava table (and lots more terrain pieces than are pictured below) so the ogres will have a fire theme.  The lizardmen will probably get the classic exotic bird look just to keep things interesting. I did make up a project log detailing how to build & paint the table and terrain on the old BoW forums, but it got lost when they moved over to the new format. I still have the photos and could probably redo it as a project if anyone is interested. The table is magnetic to maximize both stability and flexibility.

Getting Started

Up Next – Painting begins!

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neves1789torros Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This all looks really good. I think WM Revolution had made some interesting changes to the original game


Damn that’s looking excellent! Really impressed by the lava table (and an idea I’ll have to nick one day 😉 )

I’ve recently started a 10mm Wood Elf army (from Magister Militum) to play against a couple of my friends. We’ll be using Kings of War rules (which works great for mass battles).

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