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MERCS Recon Gameplay

MERCS Recon Gameplay

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Breach & Clear

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The Breach & Clear becomes a bit of a dice race to see if the MERCs complete their objective. A tile can be selected or chosen randomly that shows the OpFor positions and any special rules. The MERCS occupy spaces M1-M5 based on their priority. M1 to M3 filled by the MERCS paying for the Breach action, M4, M5 are the optional spaces if MERCs were adjacent. Some care can be taken to get the right MERCs in place and with the right priority order to maximize effectiveness and minimize damage.  The objective will indicate which OpFor positions must be filled (each has an increasing number). Any mini can be used for this, it is not reflective of what was on the board. Though if there were OpFor adjacent to the area the breach happened from, they are pulled into the B&C and fill unused spaces, or cause extra damage to the MERCS if all spaces are filled.

Alternating turns progress with the MERC in the M1 position going first, using their cheapest attack or a special B&C ability on their player board. The number of successes is marked off on the track and if it equals or exceeds a position number of the OpFor, those models are removed. The OpFor get to attack back, rolling dice matching the filled positions on the tile. Their successes are counted on the score track.

The M2 position continues, followed by an OpFor attack, and so forth. MERC collateral damage success (black dice) are also recorded on the separate track. Too much collateral damage and the objective could be destroyed (though that is sometimes the mission). The more successful the MERCS are, the less dice the OpFor roll with each attack. After the last MERC and OpFor turn, the side that has the highest total on the score track wins. A MERC failure usually ends the mission.

Assuming they won, the MERCs that initiated the breach are placed back in the room with any additional MERCS placed in an adjacent area. All OpFor are removed from the board. The final position of the OpFor score marker will determine how much Blood (damage) the MERCs will take. Their armour can soak some damage, but B&C’s are generally painful. The mission card will give another directive or will indicate where the extraction point is placed, for the MERCs to win. As long as one MERC makes it back to the EP (get to the choppa!), the mission is typically a success

MERCS Recon has its flaws, but is generally an enjoyable game. Some of the randomness can punish the players early, making missions near impossible to complete, but there is fun in trying to salvage a tough situation. Experience can help mitigate most issues and soon players are using their character’s abilities to effectively clear hallways and managing Priority to get the right person acting at the right time. It fits well with the themes of the tabletop game and is a recognizable extension of those rules.

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