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Entropy City:  Making a Wargame

Entropy City: Making a Wargame

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The initial idea's

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 14

This is a project still very much in its infancy despite the fact its already had about 3 years of thought, having been rather new to the world of Tabletop at the time of thought I kind’ve kept lot of it to myself.

Putting thoughts to the kinds of games on the market I’ve never seen any with a Biker vibe to it, thinking back to the 70’s and 80’s when Biker gangs were a huge deal and where games like Road Rash were all the rage (okay that’s 90’s but still). But I think a game that captures the ‘danger’ of riding a motorbike whilst trying to use a weapon could lead to a lot of skirmish fun.

The entire game could be built around the various gangs, perhaps even a game controlled Police element (if not an optional faction thats released later). Trying to keep the game focused very much on the bikes and leaving the on foot and car stuff to a minimum the idea fluff wise is an alternate timeline where these things only escalated. Think New York at its worst, Chicago when the Mafia was at its heights but its all centred around Biker Gangs.

I feel it could have a rather unique feel if I get it right. My only concern at this point is trying to avoid it feeling like Gaslands.

But watch this space for a very slow burn project.

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sundancerJason "The Bruce"michel86 Recent comment authors
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Bike’s sound very cool the Bruce.
So trying to get what you mean
Cars= terrain ?
On foot = objectives / crashed / terrain?
Don’t know much about the gangs that where around. So could you tell a bit more about what factions you have in mind? Red Neck Americans/ Italians in suits?

Have fun!

Cult of Games Member

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