Wilco's Bolt Action/Konflict 47 High Science Devition
My Consept.
The Consept behind my force is I want something I can play in my games of bolt action that can be played in my games of Konflict 47 but have a more weird ww2 feel and not the feel of something to generically German WW2 but more high Sci-fi Weird WW2.
I decide first to have as many of the offices in the force to have the long trench coats to give the force a science of huge superiority within the entire force and not just the HQ.
I also gave every soldier a gas mask to make the solders look more like drones to a point but also give that impression of a more huge Tec warfare feel.
I went for a Grey with a more Naval Grey Camo style on some vehicles and the command armed car in a darker more menacing grey.
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