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Subedai's Sci-Fi Soldiery

Subedai's Sci-Fi Soldiery

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Imperial Guard Infantry Company

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 5

I have expanded my Imperial Guard for Epic 40k into a full blown Tactical Company under 2nd Edition rules, having decided to go back to this iteration. It was the game we played most back in the day as the rules were engaging, armies affordable, figures paintable in a reasonable amount of time and easy to transport.

While 3rd Edition was just awful and killed the system off, it did produce very nice (overpriced) models. Therefore my armies these days consist mostly of figures from that era. Taking closeup shots of 6mm figures is a horrifying experience but I have steeled myself well enough not to attempt to add any more detail or smoother highlighting.

The Imperial Guard defending a cityThe Imperial Guard defending a city

There are also some abstractions to be made. For example, the missile launcher team comes as a single figure, but I didn’t like the look of having just four models on a base, so the squads effectively end up with eleven troops in them, counting heads. Secondly, there are two command stands for the company, where in 40k an HQ unit would only consist of five soldiers. I have given both a psyker and a commander figure to make them stand out and clearly designate them. Thirdly, instead of Rhino APCs I am using Chimeras. I much prefer the Imperial Guard having its own flavour here, though I am still going to use Rhino rules to keep the points balance of the formation.

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Cult of Games Member

Nice work. For us 3rd edition was the best version but it’s always a personal choice I know Andy Chambers and Jervis Johnson thought it was the best version they wrote

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