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Diving into D&D

Diving into D&D

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Once upon a time...

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 5
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How it began

Well this project is about the journey I have decided to take with my 9 year old son Robbie into the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Unfortunately due to life circumstances my son lives with his Mum a bit of a distance away so I only get to see him on holidays.. However we do skype regularly and have been playing online games quite a lot together. However Robbie has been asking about playing D&D recently, so I said ok we would look at it as it is something we can easily play over skype.

Long time ago....

So it has been about 30 years since I last played Dungeons and Dragons. As a teen I was quite heavily into RPG’s but D&D was the first. The version I played was the TSR 1983 set. I owned the basic set, and a friend of mine acquired the subsequent books and we had many hours playing. Mainly dungeon crawling and monster killing not so deep but hey its what we enjoyed.

Anyway over the last 30 years RPGs took that back seat to miniature based games, then girls, then miniature based games, so I have completely lost touch with what is what in the world of D&D.

I still have my original booksI still have my original books

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