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Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

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Request for Inspiration

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Ok, so updates to this project have been somewhat slow lately, as I’ve been side tracked working to complete the Kill Zone Terrain shown in the last update. This has been motivated by 2 factors:

  1. I would like to have a nice set of terrain to actually play some kill team games on
  2. I currently am working 2 sets of the Aeldari Xenoscape Terrain, one for my personal use, and one for my FLGS. I really need to get the FLGS terrain completed to get it back to the store, and the most efficient way of doing it is to complete all the terrain in one go. Its just easier due to commonality of parts and paints.

Now, I hope to wrap up most of the terrain by this weekend, as which point I’ll jump back into the Ork Killteam. However, I am looking for inspiration for additional conversions for team members. I am trying to stick to this very militaristic feel for the Blood-Axe kill team, and would like to expand upon that.

My current orks include:

  1. Spetz-Nob: The commando Nob ridden by the bossman, spetz himself.
  2. The Veteran Specialist – Kommando with entrenching tool choppa
  3. The Soviet-Themed Gunner – with DP style big shoota
  4. Krakka – my ork boy with rocket launcha, carring all kinds of fun AT goodies
  5. Breecha – Demolitions Nob with lots of grenades and shoota-scorcha
  6. Loota (yet unnamed) – armed with the “Mork ‘n Gork 42 (MG42)” style Kustom Defgun
  7. Communications Specialist – Loota Spanner with Kustom Mega Blasta and WW2 Radio style backpack
  8. Scout Specialist (unnamed) – Ork Kommando with bionic harpoon arm and Ice Axe choppa, very winter-weather themed all terrain specialist

I’m looking for other military-themed stereotypes or themes I could turn into unique Ork models for my Kill team. Things inspired by actual military units, characters from PoP culture, etc.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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