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The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

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24 Sep 18: The Stolen Sword Returned, & a16 year old Conversion completed

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I’ve decided I’m not going to buy anything more for this project right now. I’ll just work with what I’ve got. But that means either using another sword, or returning the original.

I toyed around a little with a sword from the plastic skeleton sprue. It didn’t look right. So that means digging out the old conversion and trying to retro-fit the sword back on…

Celdass: an old character...Celdass: an old character...

This was a conversion I started back in about 2002-ish. Back then we were playing Warhammer Quest and Mordheim. For many reasons I won’t bore you with the project was never completed. Such is life eh?

The net result: this conversion will not be completed. At least not in the current iteration. With some trepidation I removed the sword, and reattached it to the original owner.

Back where it belongs! It looks so much better there...Back where it belongs! It looks so much better there...

But now I have another Elf with no hand. It irks me to have a job left incomplete. It’s a good mini and I could add it to the project. So what to do with it? I don’t remember what the original minis hands were, so I turned to another source for replacement parts: Kingdom Death. A quick check for scale compatability looked ok. One “casting” hand and staff coming up.

Kingdom Death Wood Elf...Kingdom Death Wood Elf...

The spear is too long though. I tried rotating it 90 degrees, but it stuck out waaay to far. I could see it getting knocked off with the first encounter with a mini case, never mind a player.

I tried a dry fit on a base, with a couple of positions. I settled on upright, maintains the original look of the mini. I shortened the haft of the spear, using some of the detail to hide the cut and join. It’s still a little too long, but it’s a much better fit.

Wood Elf MageWood Elf Mage

She’s done. This conversion, more than a decade in the making, is finally complete. It’ll be painted as part of the project, and it is my hope another player will pick it up and decide that it is the mini that best represents their character.

In other news Hawk-Guy is assembled, pinned and ready for painting.

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