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The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

The Ancient Kin - An Elf Project

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23 Sep 18: Re-arm the troops.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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A couple of the minis need re-arming (in one case, quite literally).

Raiding my bits Box was only semi-successful as I have no Elven sprue parts. I do have Skeleton sprue bits though…

Two Elves now sport skeletal hands...

A little bit of green stuff, and now hopefully they’ll look less like Bone hands and more like gloved hands.

The next step is to replace the Champion’s sword. I still didn’t remember that I’d stolen it for another mini…

I had a spare spear from one of the Glde Riders so I figured I’d use that to build a replacement sword:

Use a spear for a sword? Why not?Use a spear for a sword? Why not?

However initial attempts were not successful. The sword was off-set sitting directly on the hand, so it never looked right. My next idea was to build more of a grip for my make-shift sword to attach to, so it would look better. Made from a piece of plastic skeleton upper arm, and the glade rider spear tip, with green stuff to blend the parts together.

It didn’t work. At all. Frustrated I left it and went to bed. I considered purchasing bits on eBay, but other than a semi- complete regiment box, I couldn’t find anything suitable. I determined to sleep on it. And remembered something: I had started a conversion years ago where I had taken this very miniatures sword to attach to another Elf. I still have that elf, in another box, not with the rest of my Elves. And I was never going to finish that conversion. Should I attempt to… “unconvert” a mini? Would it be worth the hassle, or would it make more of a mess?

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