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Deenah... again... but different

Deenah... again... but different

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Barbarian brouhaha

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I took up the project again and I’ve found the lighting to be a pain. I didn’t want to end up with glowing from the flames being like every bad 80s music video that featured neon lights. I can best describe the harsh light glow I want to avoid best as the Vader/Skywalker duel in The Empire Strikes Back. I will need to highlight the rocks more in order ro draw them out but it seems harder when the flames are the lights if there’s no zenithal.

On a related note, after watching Conan the Destroyer, I thought that rehashing Grace Jones’s barbarian character would be appropriate to the title of the project. So here I have gone with a black barbarian, though a little more clothed and definitely more hair. I’m not sure where to go with the clothing as far as colors from here on out. I’m not feeling like going crazy with Wakanda fever in designs as it wouldn’t be conducive to my health in trying to put all that detail in. In thinking more about it the ostentatious outfit would kill the focus in the figure by drawing the view away from light sources. What kind of simple scheme or design I’ll hammer out later.

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