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Demogorgon by Gorka

Demogorgon by Gorka

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Filling gaps and priming

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 3
1 Comment

After the model is assembled and the glue has had time to fully cure, I started filling in gaps in the model. This was done by using AK interactive modeling grey putty. Alternatively you could use green stuff, liquid green stuff or Vallejo plastic putty. I chose the Ak putty for its ability to be thinned with water.

Filling gaps and priming

First up I put some of the putty on a spare piece of card.

Filling gaps and priming

Next with a beat up brush or a brush dedicated for this work, I add a bit of water to the bristles (as if you were thinning paint) and then load my brush with some putty. I apply it straight to any gap. After the gap is filled I quickly rinse my brush and smooth out the area near the gap to easy the transition of the putty. With larger gaps I use little to no water and press the putty into the gap with the brush until its buldging out of the gap. Then i smooth out the area with a wet brush. After the putty has had sometime to dry some of the gaps may need a bit more. Just add more were needed at that point.

Filling gaps and priming
Filling gaps and priming

After everything is dry now its time to prime. I primed the model in three coats. This was done using and airbrush and black stynylrez surface primer. I prefer thinning my primer and doing very thin coats. A mix ratio that works for me is flow improve, primer, thinner in a 1:5:1 in that order. This is then shot at 20 psi. If you have your own method that works for yourself use that. This works very well for me as I live on the east coast of the United States and it is often very humid. Next update I will be working on painting the base.

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Cult of Games Member

Thanks for the tip on AK being water soluble. I’ve tried using Milliput White as a slip but it ended up a pain to keep in the right spot.

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