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Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

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Sumtin Wurth WAAAAAGH’n Fur

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 6
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Took a small break from my actual kill team this week to work on the terrain for one of my Killzones. This is the GW Aeldari Deathword Terrain. It’s mostly out of the box, but I did choose to mount it to bases so I could add some undergrowth later around the bigger plants.

This gave me a chance to really experiment with the airbrush and bright colors.

The lotThe lot
With army painter dip, needs Matt varnishWith army painter dip, needs Matt varnish

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Cult of Games Member

Love how the purple tipped piece has come out.

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