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40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

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Painting, clean up and prep for the future

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

I ran these guys under the tap in warm water and rubbed them gently with a toothbrush and they look much cleaner.  32mm seems to be the future for space marines so I’ll likely re-base them before painting.  I know the old bases aren’t a problem to stick with, at least for this edition.  I have a few questions I’d like some feedback on:

1: If I wanted to strip the paint off the tanks without dismantling them, is my best option actually a big bucket of Dettol?  I usually use a jam jar, which needs a lot less fluid.

2: If I didn’t strip and just primed over the top with my airbrush, does anyone foresee any issues?

3: I’ve seen the Citadel paints app for the Space Wolves colour scheme, but GW paint pots hate air brushes.  Anyone got a Vallejo recipe they like and care to share?  otherwise I’ll look at the DakkDakka chart and just compare GW and Vallejo pots down the store one day, and that’s not always representative of their dry colours.

4: Space Wolves deserve snowy rocky ground.  I have some PrecisionIceAndSnow fake snow which I’ve used and like, but it really wants lots of peaks and troughs on a base to work well.  I could put down cork rocks, and bits of kitty litter.  I could base stamp some green stuff broken ground.  Anyone got any other suggestions for adding spots of height to the base that won’t stop me drilling pin holes through them and sticking a marine down with them?

5: If anyone has some spare Las Cannons for a Predator tank or a Land Raider (Which also needs a sponson optic) and doesn’t mind parting with them please let me know.  I also have the resin body for Abaddon the Despoiler.  He either needs all the other parts sending to me, or he needs to be adopted by someone else who has the parts.

6: Anyone any experience with Oyumaru or other mould making sticks?  Think I could make moulds from the las cannons I have and then mod them to fit the other sides of these tanks?  Would it take lots of practise to get it right?  Would I be better off casting the guns in two halves (top and bottom) and then gluing them together after, or trying to make a full clamshell mould?


UPDATE 10/10/18

I found the parts for the Predator, one Land Raider Las Cannon and 2 Las Cannon armour plates/covers on eBay yesterday and ordered them.  Assuming they turn up all I need now is one Land Raider Las Cannon and one sponson optic/sensor, and I can replace that with a couple of wires and say it was shot off if need be.  Looking for donations or trades if anyone has those 2 parts?

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lawnorshart1979Gerrytorros Recent comment authors
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1) a large ziplock bag means you won’t have to go and bag a bucket load of dettol. 2) if you airbrush it shouldn’t be an issue if the previous painter didn’t blob it on with a house brush, otherwise you’ll be staring at brushmarks forever 😉 3) Vallejo GC was made to replace the old citadel paints, then GW decided to go another way. The dakka paint list will show you the comparable version and they are an exact colour match to the old GW paint range. Go for your guns 4) cork and litter is your best bet… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

If your paint stripping, I’d recommend using Methylated Spirits as not only are they a lot cheaper and easy to buy in bulk than Dettol (you can buy 500ml or 1 Litre bottles from your DIY store in the decorating section for a few £) but they don’t turn the acrylic paint into a gloopy mess. I’ve used both methods and the biggest issue with Dettol is that yes it breaks down the paint but it essentially becomes a liquid plastic and will gunk up your brush, your tub and the model fine details. With Methylated spirits it actually makes… Read more »

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