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Flames of war DAK

Flames of war DAK

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Panzer IV progress report

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 5

Progress report on my Panzer IV’s for my DAK army.

I decided to be fancy and try some colour modulation. Here is the reference picture I used. With this technique your not trying to be realistic you’re just trying to add visual interest.

colour modulation reference picture.colour modulation reference picture.

I used vallejo brown sand as a basecoat and Vallejo iraqi sand as the light colour. The colour modulation sort of works if you look carefully. Not really sure if its worth the extra effort. Anyway… still WIP. Still have to add chips to the paint and paint the tracks and exhaust and general weathering.

I did have some trouble with getting the decals down properly. There is a little bit of damage but I think I got them down in the end with multiple layers of vallejo decal softener. I have applied a thick layer of gloss varnish over the top to seal them in.

I will paint a Tiger next so if anybody wants I could do a little tutorial on colour modulation. Let me know if anybody is interested.

Almost forgot

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civilcourageleonjongGerry Recent comment authors
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lovely work, I’d like to the tutorial on the Tiger. When you came to put down the decals did you start with a gloss coat first? I find it much easier to get them flat and placed with that as a base and it also removes the silvering when you’re finished.


@leonjong i would appreciate a tiger tank tutorial, i have Rommels desert tank box ready to be painted and could use some inspiration in getting going with them.

The modulation on your current stuff looks great and i second getting those decals over some of the details is a right pain!

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