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Building An Industrial Hive Table

Building An Industrial Hive Table

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Infinity at Colours 2018

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 12
1 Comment

It’s tournament day! Here’re some pics of the tables. The first two are mine. My first two games were on my tables so I had the opportunity to ask my opponent how they’d change them. The feedback was generally good and the only recommendation was extra scatter terrain in each deployment zone. That was a good point and I’ll be looking to bring in some more when I get the chance. The tournament organiser added an opportunity for each player to rate the table they were on so I’ll be keen to see how they rated.

The tournament was held at Newbury racecourse as part of a bigger sales event. We got some time at lunch to look round all the stalls and after vowing I wouldn’t buy anything I bought a few bits. It’s a superb day out and I recommend it.

For anyone interested I came 9th out of 18 with a win, loss and draw. All the games were close and very tactical. A thoroughly excellent days gaming. I’ve finished last at the other tournaments I’ve attended so this was welcome upturn in form.

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davehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Awesome looking tables, and sounds like it was a very fun event.

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