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Kev White does Matt Dixon - Female Fantasy Miniatures

Kev White does Matt Dixon - Female Fantasy Miniatures

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Skin and Katarina's translucent dress

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I’ve painted all the skin tones (following from my previous base coat and wash steps) with a layer of flayed one flesh a layer of 50:50 flayed one flesh  and pallid wych flesh and then a final highlight of pallid wych flesh. I painted these in rapid succession so that the paints would still be wet when the next layer was applied.


Katarina’s dress was painted with a celestra grey base coat, and it then had successive highlights of ulthuan grey and then white scar. Again I added the layers in rapid succession so the previous layer was still wet and the paints could blend in together a bit on the model.

To achieve the translucent effect I mixed white scar with flayed one flesh in a 50:50 ratio and painted it on to the dress where I imagine the dress is resting directly against the skin. I.e. the thighs, bum, and breasts. I then used a 75:25 mix of white scar to flayed one flesh around these areas to blend them in with the white dress.

As a final touch I applied two very small dots of reikland fleshshade to suggest where her [private] can be seen through her dress.

Skin and Katarina's translucent dress
Skin and Katarina's translucent dress

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