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Kev White does Matt Dixon - Female Fantasy Miniatures

Kev White does Matt Dixon - Female Fantasy Miniatures

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Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 2

I should probably mention that I received more models in the Kickstarter but they have already been finished. I painted them up to represent Age of Sigmar battlemages. In the picture below we have:


Top left: Lady Nyvenne (not a Kickstarter model) as an Amthyst Wizard.

Top middle: Argia Tholos (not a Kickstarter model) as a Light Wizard.

Top right: Azura Halfblood (not a Kickstarter model) as an Amber Wizard.

Bottom left: Winter Erryn A’dell as a Grey Wizard.

Bottom middle: Matthias as a Gold Wizard.

Bottom right: Amalthea (not a Kickstarter model) as a Jade Wizard.

Other models painted previously

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danleerayzryr Recent comment authors
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Haha, I have that Lady Nyv model. I started on a Dark Blue dress and black hair. I guess the mini suggests that kind of palette?

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