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Kev White does Matt Dixon - Female Fantasy Miniatures

Kev White does Matt Dixon - Female Fantasy Miniatures

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Kev White does Matt Dixon – Female Fantasy Miniatures was a Kickstarter run by Hasslefree miniatures that ran in October 2016 and that delivered a couple of months ago. I’m working on a batch of five of the models. I’m aiming to work on my skin tones, but also to try and paint a translucent dress on the Katarina model and some interesting fur patterns on the Bambi and Winter Helen models.


In the picture below, from left to right: Katarina, Bambi, Mythic Helen, Winter Helen, Pin-Up Helen.


These models are all the metal versions. It was a bit fidely to assemble some of the joints as the female anatomy led to some very small joints. Overall the model quality was very good though and I had no trouble figuring out where the parts went.

From left to right: Katarina, Bambi, Mythic Helen, Winter Helen, Pin-Up HelenFrom left to right: Katarina, Bambi, Mythic Helen, Winter Helen, Pin-Up Helen

I have begun with the skin tones. I base coated Rakarth Flesh and then washed with Reikland Fleshshade.

Getting started

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So glad to see someone start a project blog on these minis. Mine are still further down the priority list though watching yours might just make me move them up. Looking forward to watching these ladies come together.

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