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Welcome to Od'Adlos ship yards, you can buy the ship that will last you till the day you die......

Welcome to Od'Adlos ship yards, you can buy the ship that will last you till the day you die......

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We have lift off!!! For a given value of lift and an unexplored fraction of off....

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 5
so engine no1 is sort of there, sheesh these are a pain to engine no1 is sort of there, sheesh these are a pain to do....

The darker colour to the card is because I used a quick drying wood varnish to harden the card so it became sandable (is that a word? well it is now). worked a treat I think.

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Cult of Games Member

I’ve worked on some other fiddly bits with cardboard and some paper as well and find that wood glue will work pretty well for cost. The pulp absorbs the moisture and then sets nicely. If you want to set something with a little tooth to it for painting try making a slip using a small amount of Milliput White and watering it down to where you can apply it with a crap brush. You’ll get a thin layer of the stuff and then be able to sculpt later in top if need be. It also works as a gap filler… Read more »

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