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Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

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Orks Can’t Have All the Fun

Tutoring 0
Skill 8
Idea 6
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Grots! Grots! Grots!

This weeks work was diverted by painting some grots to fill out the kill team. The cool thing about these figures is they are similar scale to Bolt Action miniatures (unlike the Orks) so I can use various bits (helmets, packs, etc.) from BA rather than sculpting them.

Orks Can’t Have All the Fun
Orks Can’t Have All the Fun
Orks Can’t Have All the Fun
Orks Can’t Have All the Fun
Orks Can’t Have All the Fun
Orks Can’t Have All the Fun

Breecha Nearly complete

Orks Can’t Have All the Fun
Orks Can’t Have All the Fun

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