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Idoneth Deepkin Slow Build

Idoneth Deepkin Slow Build

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Progress with 2 less teeth

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Recovered enough from having two impacted wisdom teeth extracted to keep progressing. I clipped, cleaned, filed, and assembled the Tidecaster.

Being a GW figure and made of true plastic, I prefer to use Testor’s liquid cement for plastic models applied with a toothpick to the area to be bound.

I tried to group the parts in what seemed to be both the simplest to paint as well as to asssemble once it was all completed.I tried to group the parts in what seemed to be both the simplest to paint as well as to asssemble once it was all completed.
I'm leaving these for a few hours to completely finish bonding. This gives me some time to play with basing materials.I'm leaving these for a few hours to completely finish bonding. This gives me some time to play with basing materials.

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