HMS Gaming Table
5 - And It Looks Like We Might Have Made It
Well, The final stage was very quick and very simple. Attach the gaming surface. The sheets for the gaming surface were recovered from the original build. This means there were lots of small holes were screws had been but as these will generally be covered by a mat it’s not really a problem. It did make screwing it onto the frame slightly more difficult as it was sometimes hard to work which of guide holes were new for this table and which were pre-existing but that only a minor setback in a very easy task.
And so here it is , complete with two Deepcut studios 4′ x 4′ gaming mats. For anyone interested it used 268 screws of varying sizes, each of which was placed into a predrilled guide hole. I will stress at this stage the table meets the original design (subject to changes made during construction) and the table is functional, but it’s not finished. I have two additional improvements I wish to make that I hadn’t considered in the original design, as well as giving the table a nice coat of varnish.
However weekend is now a memory and real life is taking over for another week and I am working away from home. So additional work will have to wait until next weekend
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